Workshops for Organisations
Unconscious Bias and Inclusion
Are you, as an Organisation intent on improving inclusion and diversity? Do you want to encourage gender balance and create equal opportunities for underrepresented groups?
We all have (un)conscious biases; whilst they help us make quick decisions in daily life, left unchecked they can hinder diversity efforts and mean that you are creating a homogeneous organisation. Unconscious biases can also lead to discrimination in the workplace, lower morale and higher staff turnover.
At Thrive Qube we believe diversity follows true inclusion. Research shows one-off unconscious bias trainings fail. Get in touch to find out more about our Unconscious Bias workshops and training programmes and discuss a more targeted approach to help you create long lasting change.
Active Bystander Training
Creating an inclusive work culture where people feel safe requires more than just policies and good intentions. It needs everyone to play their part.
If you witness bullying, (sexual) harassment or discriminatory behaviours in the workplace how can you respond and support colleagues? When is it too late to say something? These are all questions individuals have reached out to Thrive Qube about. Everyone can be a supportive ally but not everyone knows what to do or how to respond in the moment.
In Thrive Qube’s ‘Active Bystander Training’ participants will learn to recognise inappropriate behaviours including microaggressions. They will also gain the tools they need to take action to address undesirable workplace behaviours and champion for others. Get in touch to discuss your situation in confidence.
Communicating Across Cultures
The world is becoming smaller and cross cultural, ethnically diverse teams, often working with each other across the globe is becoming the norm. Have you noticed how what you say isn’t always what your colleague understands and vice versa?
Unspoken rules and value systems of every culture underpin our communication style. This then impacts interpersonal communication. Developing effective communication skills is key to creating a positive and productive work environment and increasing team cohesion and productivity.
Thrive Qube’s training on ‘Communicating Across Cultures’ will help you and your team explore and understand the role culture plays on their communication style and those of others. The training covers oral and written communication from (online) meetings to face to face interactions with colleagues. Get in touch to explore how this training can help your team
Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Managers
Learn how Emotional Intelligence can enhance communication, improve your leadership style and help you to understand what motivates your staff.
Gone are the days when just technical or job specific skills were sufficient to be able to do your job well. We now know that good leadership also relies on being aware and able to manage your emotions. Daniel Goleman, author of the book ‘Emotional Intelligence’ states that 90% of the difference between star performers and average performers in senior leadership positions is Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
In Thrive Qube’s workshop on EQ skills for managers, participants will learn about the 5 building blocks of EQ, namely, self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.
Participants will experience the impact better EQ has on understanding one’s self, as well as on the interaction and collaboration with colleagues. Get in touch to find out how this workshop could benefit managers in your organisation.
Thrive Qube trainings are

Evidence based

Bespoke, to suit your organisation’s needs

Experiential and engaging
How does it work?
Step one begins with an intake and an analysis of your current situation. Together we then determine the need and desired impact. Interested in learning more?